This was #2 chr that I had to remove from the 2's a girl! From here on out they all enclosed while Juniper was here for a week visit. She was able to release all 5. Pretty exciting. On one of our outings to the creek to play in the water we saw these guy: A Northern Tiger Swallowtail with a Pipevine Swallowtail.
When we returned from out water outing she released this one.
So, within 3 days 5 monarchs were released. 3 males and 2 females. All healthy in spite of me bringing them in as very small caterpillars. That in its self is amazing. I know I can not save them all...but by gosh I will help the ones I can. *smile*
Here is a tidbit of info. I want to share with you.
The monarch caterpillar grows inside the egg for about 4 days. It then munches milkweed and grows as a monarch caterpillar (larvae) for about 2 more weeks. The caterpillar's life inside the chrysalis (pupa) lasts about 9-14 days and its wonderful life as an adult butterfly lasts from 2 – 6 weeks.
I'll return in a few weeks...lots more to come. The fall migration is around the corner. *smile*
Wow, that is exciting. I’m glad your granddaughter was there to release them.
Saving one and it becoming a butterfly is success in its self.
How lovely to have five more butterflies in the world
Yes, it was Jane. But I'm not sure who had more fun. ME or HER! lol
They live 12 hours from me. So this was a joy to have my grand's so close, even for a shoot while.
Indeed Margaret! It thrills me to no end!
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