Saturday, September 24, 2016

...and so an idea begins. Spring 2016

   Not much to look at, but it's a start. I had to find first what location would work best. That took a while. 6 Milkweed plants, which Monarch's need to lay eggs on and eat need a lot of sunlight.

The Butterfly bush in purple blooms. The taller pink is a Swamp (Asclepias incarnate) and the orange/red is a Tropical milkweed. Now we wait...


Cindy said...

I'm planning on planting some milkweed out in my back yard for the Monarchs - would be great to provide that for them, and even more fun to see those beauties in my yard ;)

Nancy G said...

Oh please do Cindy! Monarchs and of course other butterflies need as much help as we humans can possibly give. We are taking away so much from them in the way of 'progress'. Only fair to replace what we are taking away. Thank you.