Thursday, July 9, 2015

A wonderful day to bycyle 37.32 miles

 We started out at about 7:20 last Sunday morning...and rode into a bit of rain. Then look what we saw. It was a complete half rainbow.

  This is us at one of many brake times! Here we are at the Shiloh museums.

              It wasn't open yet, but I know it would be a fun place to return too!

 We are the  Rrazorback-regional-greenway. A bike/walking path that connects many towns together....
       Trying to find out and scope out where we are.

 This is Lake Fayetteville. A 5 mile bike path around, but we went straight ahead into town where we had a much need lunch break. My goal that day was to bike over 16 miles. That was how far I peddled of that trail. Boy never would I have thought we could bike as far as we did and back. A great day to say the least. *smile*

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