Monday, July 7, 2014

A 'new to me' experience...

 ... Picking Blueberries at the 'Blueberry Barn'!


I met 2 of my walking buddies at 6 AM to be there for 'early pickin'. Once the parking lot is full at 6:30 AM they turn folks away. Didn't want that to happen. No sir're.

Last week the Paddle Club went to another lake, much smaller but very nice!

At this point it's very least 10 degrees cooler. What a wonderful evening for kayaking!

I am walking 6 miles a day and trying for 6 days a week...and loving every step!

                                Got my tee today...its official! I'm a Walkie Talkie!! LOL

Yes, I did tat. I test tatted for my friend over at Tatting Box...a lovey pieces she calls 'Spring'. I used the new Lizbeth Twirlz thread in the color of Monarch for the butterflies and leaves in Leaf green med.

1 comment:

God's Kid said...

You did a fabulous job on that test tat piece!!! :)