Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pay It Forward Exchange

Pay it forward and these are the rules.
It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based on the concept of the movie Pay it Forward where acts and deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, in the hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on.
So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on the blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. It will be sent to you within 12 months. What YOU have to do in return, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.


Wendy said...

Hi Namcy, glad you joined me in this wonderful giveaway. Please email me your mailing addy at this email: stitchduchess2@yahoo.com Thanks and Happy Stitching, Wendy

stitchersanon said...

I WOULD LOVE TO TAKE PART...I have just found your blog from Loopy Lous...I think I am gonna be reading for a long time tonight lol!
All the best

Nancy G said...

Gaynor, Thanks for joining! Have fun reading...*smile* I will add you to my 'blogs I follow.'

Sandy said...

Nancy, your blog continues to amaze me. You are full of incredible surprises.

I love what you have been working on. The tatting is beyond me.

Thanks for sharing the love your family shared at Christmas.

And I'm so sorry to hear about your kidney stones. Are they gone now?


Hello Nancy, I love all your tating project. Guess what I bought a book on needle tatting. VBG Ps. I have tagged you for the 6 picture Meme. Please have a look on my blog. Hugs Judy

Alba Alicia said...

Nancy: I have just read your pay it forward idea and I like it very much. Since this is your idea, I would like to start from here. Do you have any results so far? My mail is herbaliciaburrola@gmail.com
Congratulations for such a great idea.