Thursday, October 23, 2008

Still smiling...

What a week-end. Drove to Wichita, Ks. Had a great visit with 2 of my long time girl friends.

Spent time with my daughters grand mother...returned to Dallas with 4 extra people...and loved every minute.

Here is Eli...underneath the coffee table. Seems like a great place to be.

Seems I am doing better with my 'disorders'. After a meal, dishes were in the sink, on the counter, still not loaded in the dishwasher...etc. and I just turned my back!! I could hear this little voice saying..."the dishes will 'keep' BUT now is the time to take Juniper to the park. " So, in the wagon she goes and off we went!

Yea, I'm getting better at this 'grandma ' thing. *smile*

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