Thursday, March 5, 2015

By adding meal worms to their diets...


...I have a variety of birds near the window!
                              This is Northern Flicker. He's about 12.5 inches long.
This is Zoe. She enjoys the warmth and her balls....
...while Sophie loves the outdoors and snow! By time I took the pic most of the snow had melted or fallen on the floor. Silly girl. This may be the last snowfall. Temperatures should be up by this week-end. Time to hit the dusty tails either by bike or hike. I'm ready!


1 comment:

tattrldy said...

Nice picture of the Northern Flicker. I thought by the beak that it looked for bugs of some kind but I didn't know it was a woodpecker - I was inspired to look it up. We have snow on the ground and cold temps here but are expected to get to the upper 50s for the weekend. Last of the cold and snow? We'll see. Cute dogs :-)