Monday, June 23, 2008

A little fabric painting...

Well, since I am at a 'stand still' with pieceing this top, I decided to play around a bit with the squares. I don't know if you can tell by the pic, but I used 'chain stiches' along her lepel, patted one of the flowers, and added a little yellow to the flower in her hair. Gives the squares a little texture. We'll see....


Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Nancy,
I just wanted to thank you for adding me to your blog list. ;)
I love your quilt pictures...and have been enjoying the ducks and birds.
alicia in Hawaii

Nancy G said...

Hello Alicia,
I have to thank you...
you have been one of my inspiration's in getting this blog started!
Yours is such a teaching blog...I have learn so much from it! Love your work!! I started with the bookmarks. Please, continue with your wonderful work and thank you for sharing as you do!